Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Walk Out? What is Going On

Subject: Walk Out?
·         Next week, Northshore teachers (NSEA) will vote on a one day walkout in order to generate public and Legislature support for major improvements in school funding and staffing levels, class sizes, and professional compensation (including reasonable cost of health benefits)—as ordered by the Supreme Court.     This is to improve our schools and work----to benefit our students.   Educator locals throughout the Puget Sound area are doing this.  Yesterday, Lake Washington educators voted to do this.  IT’S TIME TO STAND TOGETHER FOR OUR SCHOOLS, WORK, AND STUDENTS!

·          If a majority of teachers (NSEA) vote to do this, NSD Admin will close school for the day, and schedule a make-up school day at the end of the school year.    180 school days are required by law.   Students would not lose a day of school, and educators would not lose pay. 

·         NESPA members will then vote on participating in the day’s activities, which will be planned by NSEA and NESPA members together.   The day will consist of activities to focus public attention on the need for the Legislature to make major improvements in school funding and staffing levels, class sizes, and professional compensation (including reasonable cost of health benefits).   We hope that you will participate in these activities.   They could include sign waving, rally, a march, etc.   IT’S TIME!

·         Why now?  Currently, none of the State budget proposals being considered by the Legislature make adequate improvements, as ordered by the Supreme Court.  The Constitutional rights of our students are being violated, and we are being shortchanged in our compensation, which should by law be substantially higher (e.g. about $7500 per year for a 6.5 hour para or school assistant, or $4500 per year for a 4 hour para or school assistant).    The Legislature is in Session now, and will be voting on a budget sometime between now and the end of June. IT’S TIME TO STAND TOGETHER FOR OUR SCHOOLS, WORK, AND STUDENTS!

·         A date for the walkout will be set after the teachers have voted.  It will not be this week or next.

·         NESPA is having a Leadership Meeting on Thursday, April 30 for Building Communicators, Asst Building Communicators, other NESPA leaders, and any others who wish to attend.    We will update, get input, and plan.   YOU are invited.    4 to 5:30 PM at the Bothell HS Library.   Let your Building Communicator know if you are coming.  IT’S TIME TO STAND TOGETHER FOR OUR SCHOOLS, WORK, AND STUDENTS!

·         We started NESPA contract negotiations yesterday, Tuesday, April 21!  Thank you to the many who completed surveys!   We will send you an update later this week.   IT’S TIME TO STAND TOGETHER!    This is the opportunity of a generation.  Get involved!  How?   Be at the NESPA Leadership Meeting on Thursday, April 30 (next week) 4 PM at the Bothell HS Library.  (Let your Building Communicator know you are coming.)

·         Teachers and NESPA members are putting up the pink IT’S TIME posters to show support for our efforts to win improvements from the Legislature, AND for our NESPA negotiations.   Please put up our pink IT’s TIME poster, now.   (Your Building Communicator distributed them just prior to the Break.)

·         More information will follow.    Updates are also available on the NESPA website at

Thank you for all you do!
Jeani Schwenk, NESPA President                           Kraig Peck, WEA Staffperson for NESPA and NSEA