Monday, September 27, 2010



Happy Fall

Welcome back everyone; it is time to start looking at surroundings with a new vision. There are changes in the air, you can really feel it and it is very exciting. We are both so glad for this opportunity to guide you through this year while focusing on some new changes that we ALL want to see happen. So for starters we would like to introduce you to our theme for the 2010-2011 year, which is S.E.L.F. As we do visits at the schools this year to get to know you and YOUR surroundings better we want to give you some tools to help you along your way.

We KNOW you have so much value and worth out there. You bring such richness to our district and we appreciate all you do and we want you to know that. This year we want to continue to give you tools to grow in each area that you touch with our students. We also want you to look beyond where you are at and stretch your “SELF” toward future goals.

The acronym S.E.L.F. pulls all that together.

S. stands for” support”

We want you to know you have support out there in the field, in your buildings and at the Uniserve Office. We want you to know where to find it and get at it quickly.

E. stands for “empowerment”

We want to give you tools that you need to accomplish your jobs and tasks for your day. We want you to feel confident with YOUR voices as YOU speak up for Your needs, hopes and desires

L. stands for Lifting up

We want you to know we care and we can find people to come along side you to work out the needs and difficulties out there. We want you to have hope and JOY in the opportunities that are given to you at your sites.

And F. that stands for Future

It is YOUR future we care about and together as we launch into this New Year we will find opportunities for you to grow and stretch to achieve a good future in your jobs.

Lastly but ever so importantly is that we want you to take care of
YOUR “SELF”. We want you healthy and safe as you continue in your challenges through this year.

Together we CAN make a DIFFERENCE

Working for you

Your co-presidents Pat & Peggy

Contract 101

Yes we still have a contract that we are working under. Not a NEW one yet….this one is the 2008-2010 Agreement. If you DO NOT have one PLEASE let your Building Communicators know and we will get one out to you.

Stay tune for more tips from your contract.


WEA=Washington Educational Association

NEA=Northshore Educational Association-Teachers Union

NEOPA=Northshore Educational Office Professionals Association

Office Managers and Secretaries Union

NESPA=Northshore Educational Support Professionals Association


Friday, September 24, 2010

Wednesday, September 8, 2010



Members turned out in droves at the August 31st NESPA Meeting AT Bothell HS, and voted unanimously to continue and to deepen our efforts to address salary and benefit inequities! Details below.

About 250 NESPA members heard reports on negotiations, and on plans to continue negotiations this year while the terms of our expired contract remain in effect. NESPA Co-President Peggy Sturm and Chief Negotiator Kraig Peck reviewed the tentative agreements, and the unresolved issues. Kraig Peck told the group, “The big issues remain unresolved: Pay, Hours and Benefits, Job Security, and Access to Appropriate Computers. Peggy and Kraig explained that the District has withdrawn their proposals to control Professional Hours, to eliminate the minimum 4 hour work day, and to take away PSP stipends for some.

NSEA (Northshore Teachers Assn) President Tim Brittell told the group that we have the support of the teachers. “We work together in our schools, and we are going to work together to get fair contracts for teachers and for NESPA members. Our contract expires this year, and we will be negotiating a new one. It looks like we’re going to be negotiating together, and coordinating our efforts if you don’t have a contract before the Spring. That’s not a bad thing. We will be there for you, as you are there for us every day.”

Marge Mitchell, outgoing NESPA Co-President and a member of NESPA’s Board and Bargaining Team told the membership, “We are going to have to make some real noise to bring about change. We will continue to press for fair wages, a phased out end to the 20 hour ceiling, and respect and support from the administration. All of our members should be paid at least equal to the lowest paid custodians.”

Marge presented a motion from NESPA’s Board, and described the NESPA V.OT.E.S plan---which will require the participation of ALL of us, to be successful. Those present from each school had discussions with their co-workers on ways to implement the motion---to participate in making the NESPA V.O.T.E.S. plan a reality in the coming months and, if necessary, during the entire school year. The entire membership stood up in support of the motion, which is below:

  • NESPA continue negotiations with the old contract remaining in effect. We will coordinate our negotiations with NSEA, which negotiates a full contract this school year.
  • Our membership implements the NESPA V.O.T.E.S Plan until we have a new agreement: Visibility, Organizing, Tenacity, Education, and Support.
Take a look at the link: NESPA V.O.T.E.S PLAN to find out more---and to learn how you can be a part of this historic effort to win RESPECT for educational support professionals in Northshore. Hundreds of members made commitments to implement the plan by participating in ongoing events; helping to make a You-Tube video; speaking to organizations; and joining NESPA’s Bargaining Support Team. When your NESPA Building Communicator asks for your participation, please do your share!

Co-President Pat Waldrop ended the meeting by stating, “Thank you so much for being here and making this commitment to end our second class status!”

Some of our BHS Colleagues Making Decisions

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Westhill meets with NESPA Co-President Peggy Sturn

Making Plans...face to face.


On Tuesday, August 24, NESPA members and supporters packed the School Board meeting, for the last Board meeting before the start of school.

As NESPA incoming Co-President Peggy Sturm and outgoing Co-President Marge Mitchell spoke, people in the room stood up with signs reading, "RESPECT and VALUE ALL NORTHSHORE STAFF."

Peggy and Marge updated the Board and Supt. Francois on the pay, benefit, job security, and tech (inadequate computers) issues facing us. Marge told them, "If we don't have an agreement by Monday, August 30, no one can say that you inherited these disparities. They will be yours. You will own them. And we are not going away. We're in this for the long haul. We will do what it takes to be VALUED an RESPECTED like other District employees."

Peggy stated to the Board members and Superintendent, "How is it that every custodian, every bus driver, and nearly every office staff person, teacher, and administrator gets enough hours for benefits...but it "costs too much" to provide benefits to about 40 more NESPA members? If this isn't second class treatment, what is it?"

Parent Heather Tucker, whose son Sean has been with One-on-One Special Education Paraeducator Dawn Schmidt from Hollywood Hill Elementary through Woodinville High School, also spoke to the Board about the need for Northshore to respect the work of Special Education Paraeducators.

NESPA members will continue to pack specified Board meetings and other events to win the RESPECT we deserve! Don't miss the next one!