Monday, April 4, 2016

Can We Talk?


Our NSEA-NESPA merger is moving forward and we are becoming ONE family!    NSEA Building Reps and our NESPA Board will be voting on new bylaws in April, based on the Merger Framework we approved by 98%!   NESPA continues to negotiate, and NSEA begins April 20.   

Let’s make the merger happen at our schools!   

That means YOU (and each of us) making connections with teachers (even those you barely know) with conversations about how Northshore’s low pay/few hours/temp job system affects you or your family, your students, or your school—any or all of these.  

Some teachers understand this (especially Spec Ed teachers), but many are only vaguely aware.  They would be shocked, for example, to know your take home pay!    Or that almost half of us are kept at 20 hours or below---and what that means.