Friday, June 11, 2010

Reflections of a Retiring NESPA Co-President

This was written by Marge Mitchell and shared with all at the year-end NESPA dinner.  

I said SURE

I’d be a NESPA Co-Prez

I know Deb Murphy

People do what she sezs


NESPA has good training

For their officers and staff

By sharing the presidents’ job

We’ll cut the workload in ½


We had a retreat

A day of planning and fun

Work hard, play hard

Easy to do in the sun


THEN, the meetings began

Sometimes 2 or 3 a week

Take notes, ask questions

Don’t forget….YOU have to speak


Living Wage and Bargaining Clusters

2 more campaigns to think of

Quiet walks on the beach…..

What happened to the things that I love?


A full open contract

Up for bargaining this year

In this economy…..

That redefines the meaning of fear


A big thanks goes

To our union rep Kraig Peck

He’s the “man with the answers”

Which can be as simple as “Oh, what the heck!”


I think I’ve matured

I know I’ve learned a lot

It’s time for new faces

Their turn to give it a shot


Peggy and Pat are a team

Not to be dismissed

Thank goodness this job

Was on Peggy’s “Bucket List”



Thanks for the memories

A line from a song

I’ll still be around

Can’t get rid of me for long





Marge Mitchell





NESPA's 2011-2012 Board

Co-Presidents: Peggy Sturm and Pat Waldrop
Co-Vice Presidents: Joanne McDaniel
Secretary: Karen Kohler
Treasurer: Suzanne Ducotey
Nurse Rep: Rosemarie Dunlop
Special Ed Rep (High School): Judy Ellis
Special Ed Rep (Junior High): Judy Medhaug
Special Ed Rep (Elementary): Lucy Antonio
Special Ed Rep (Woodmoor): Linda Krich
LAP Rep. Sec: Joanne Allen
LAP Rep. (Elementary): Mary Rawlins
ELL Rep. (Elementary): Michelle Gillebo
ELL Rep (Secondary): Suzanne Fujinari
School Assistant Rep: Becky Morehouse
STS Rep: Karen Kohler
Interpreter Rep: Jeani Schwenk
Truancy Rep: Marge Mitchell
Webmistress: Nancy Celms
At-Large Rep: Donna Smith

The current board remains in place until a new Collective Bargaining Agreement is reached, or until October 1, whichever comes first.