Q. How can I get reimbursed for classes, conferences, etc.?
A. You can use this fund of eighteen thousand dollars ($18,000.00) available to NESPA members for individual staff development training that may include tuition, registration fees and substitutes. Prior approval for use of the funds must be obtained through the fund application form included in this newsletter. (2008-2010 NESPA Contract- Article 25.10 on page 20)
Consideration for approval is based on the funds available, the relationship of the class to the employee’s immediate job performance, the needs of the District, the professional growth it will add to an employee’s abilities, skills, job-related interests and the employee’s access to other professional development money.
Initially, one request for funds per member, not to exceed $200.00, will be considered. Requests are reviewed upon receipt and you are notified promptly by phone or email.
Q. How do I start?
A. You start by filling out the Professional Development Fund Application Form, which is linked on the right side of this website under Important NESPA Information. The easy-to-follow directions are right on the form but if you need further assistance,your Building Communicator can help there too.
Q. What if we want to use it to pay for a class in our school?
A. If your school would like host a training for its members, the application and approval process would be the same-with a few minor differences. Yes, you can use these funds to hire someone to come to your school to train your NESPA staff. This training can be done on work time (a non-student day, for example), or after school. (Want to get paid for attending a training on non-work time? NESPA members can also use their Professional Hours.)
Q. Is there still money available?
A. Yes, there is. By using all the money in the fund we send a message to the District on the importance of professional development among our members.
Q. Where does one find classes?
A. Check your staff room bulletin board first. Organizations like the Institute for Educational Dev. (IED); Bureau of Education & Research (BER) and Staff Dev. Resources (SDR) send mailers to schools on a regular basis. Puget Sound ESD and the area community colleges offer great professional/personal development classes as well. You could also try to Google your area of interest using words like educational seminar, workshop, or training.
Q. Whom do I contact with questions?
A. Judy Ellis, the NESPA Board member who leads NESPA’s Professional Development Committee, is the expert. She works at SAS and can be reached via email at jellis@nsd.org.