Page 57 of our Agreement states, in part: “The District and the Association agree to the following:
A. In order for employees to carry out their duties most effectively, they must have confidential and convenient access to technology that will allow them to:
1) Have access to the Internet.
2) Use the District’s e-mail program.
3) Open necessary attachments that may accompany e-mail.
4) Have access to the District’s staff directory and District newsletters.
5) Utilize productivity tools such as Office Suite as appropriate to their job.
B. For instructional purposes, employees should also have ready access to technology that provides them appropriate instructional resources.
C. Employees shall be invited to have representation on or provide input to building site teams or any other group which plans the technology needs for staff and students.”
Note that each elementary school has been allocated one additional up-to-date computer for those NESPA members who may not otherwise have appropriate access. (For example, School Assistants or roving employees). Secondary schools have each two such computers.
And note that the contract language above does not mean that everyone gets their own personal up-to-date computer. But it does commit the District to convenient access to a computer that enables you to do your work effectively, as per above.
If you don’t have the computer access you need to effectively do your work----including opening attachments or any of the above—what do you do?
Talk to your Principal--or write an email to your Principal and copy in the tech committee, or tech liaison at your school—describing precisely the problem, and citing this contract language. Be sure your note explains precisely the problem and what you need. (In some schools, the Leadership Team may play the role of Tech Committee, or an individual Technology Resource Teacher might.)
· You can ask your NESPA Building Communicator for help, or your NESPA co-worker who works as a School Technology Specialist might be able to help. Ask to meet with the Principal to discuss your written concern. The Principal is the District official responsible for the implementation of the Agreement at the school level, though they may need to include others in the meeting as well, like the tech committee, etc. If you need help at any time, contact NESPA.
· If this affects several people at your school, work together on this.
· If that doesn’t get you what is needed, please contact Kraig Peck at or 425.486.7101 ext 103, or NESPA Co-Presidents Deb Murphy or Marge Mitchell. They will work with you to take this to the next step, which is described on page 57 as follows:
“Upon request, the parties shall jointly conduct a needs assessment of employees regarding software, hardware, and training needs. The assessment shall be carried out through building-level interviews upon request of the staff at specific sites. Based on the assessment, the parties will develop individual building solutions and work with building administrators and site teams in order to accomplish the recommended solutions.”
Kraig Peck