Local ESP Presidents gathered together on October 24, in Federal Way, to network and gather new information on WEA resources. State leaders shared information on what WEA can help locals with. With a “speed dating” format, we learned about the resources WEA can provide to local units. A leadership style survey was completed. We learned our area of strength and areas to work on, when acting in a leadership role.
WEA sponsored an Issues Conference, in Renton, on November 11th. There were several Northshore support staff in attendance. Classes included Conflict Resolution, Autism, helping students with ADD/ADHD, Computer Classes, Relaxation Techniques,etc.. A total of 16 classes were offered, each person choosing 4 classes. Networking with over 150 people brought together many new ideas and resources.
The Northshore School Board swore in 3 new members at the November 24th meeting.
Julia Lacey, Todd Banks and Sandy Hayes join Dawn McCravey and Janet Quinn. Our many thanks to outgoing members Sue Buske, Cathy Swanson and Gene Hawkridge. School Board positions are totally volunteer. Board members put in many, many hours each month.
NESPA sent out a survey to all members, concerning issues that should be addressed during bargaining (in the spring). Thank you to all who returned the surveys. The bargaining team will begin meeting to look at the issues that are of concern to our members.
January will be a busy month promoting the bond and levies that will be voted on in February. This will include the Capital Projects Bond, a Renewal Education Operations Support Levy and a Renewal School Technology Levy. These measures are needed to keep the Northshore school district moving ahead. Please consider volunteering time to doorbell or work on a phone bank. Voters need to understand the serious need for passage of both the bond and the levies.
In the midst of the upcoming holidays and family gatherings, life does get incredibly busy and hectic. Take time to enjoy family, read a good book or take a walk on a cold crisp winter day.