Monday, June 18, 2012

Politics 2012

Let’s keep public education’s best supporter in the State Senate. Help Senator Rosemary McAuliffe defeat Dawn McCravey.
Thanks to Rosemary’s leadership in the Senate:
· In Washington state, public funds are not used to close neighborhood schools and replace them with private charter schools.
· Educators are not evaluated based on student test scores—which would narrow the curriculum and damage our students.
· Educators who perform their jobs well still have job security.
· We still have collective bargaining—a voice—in our health care benefits.
Rosemary’s opponents are much better funded. Dawn McCravey is likely to get financial backing from the Koch Brothers (oil billionaires), Stand for Children (funded by Wall Street millionaires), and the League of Education Voters (funded by a Seattle billionaire). Her other opponent, Guy Palumbo, is a former Amazon exec who has raised nearly three times as much as Rosemary from wealthy high tech contributors like Jeff Bezos.
1. Please sign up to call sympathetic voters with a script, in July.
2. Please join us for a morning of doorbelling voters on Saturday, July 28. We’ll have breakfast together, get instructions, pair up, and head out. You can bring family and friends. It’s actually fun!
3. Donate anything you can spare to Rosemary.
THANK YOU for all you do! Below my signature is information about Rosemary’s opponents.
Kraig Peck
Staffperson for NESPA and NSEA
Dawn McCravey (on Northshore School Board) is running as a Republican to unseat Rosemary.
1. Dawn advocates for the diversion of public tax dollars from public neighborhood schools to charter schools, run by private organizations. It would eventually result in district budget cuts and school closures.
2. Dawn supports paying teachers based on student scores.
3. Dawn lobbied in Olympia to eliminate educator job security—having principals numerically rank us and decide who to lay off, and even eliminating our right to get re-assigned if student enrollment or course offerings required our moving to a new location. (Instead, we would have been terminated under the bill she lobbied for.)
4. Dawn does not support collective bargaining.
As you recall, Dawn defeated BZ Davis in the School Board election last November. (Dawn was not willing to share her views directly. She has refused to reply to a candidate questionnaire, and refused to meet with educators for an interview about her views—in both the School Board and Senate races.)
Guy Palumbo is also running against Rosemary.
He started running as an “independent”, and switched to “Democrat.”
1. He supports using public school funds for private schools (charters).
2. He favors using student test scores to evaluate teachers.
The Primary election is July 15 to August 7. The top two vote getters will compete in the Fall election. Rosemary needs your help NOW to get to the Fall election. Click here to help: