As the 2009 - 2010 school year begins, Northshore School District has been hit with budget cuts and layoffs. No one likes this situation. So....just how are we going to cope with all of this?
First, we have to realize that each employee is one person. Cloning is not a possibility, yet. We must continue to work to the best of our ability. We need to keep in mind "working to the contract". This is always a difficult balance.
Cooperation is a big part of this equation. This includes working with other employees, administrators, students, parents and community members. Your first reaction may be "this will never work". With a little patience and a "give it a try" approach, things can improve and success can happen.
Be sure to access resources though the NESPA union. If a situation is a problem for you, it's likely someone else is having the same struggles. A union member can help support you in a meeting with a colleague or administrator. There is mediation available through the union. Kraig Peck, the union rep, is available for information and support.
The NESPA union is here to work for its members. Support is not limited to contract negotiations.
Get involved with NESPA. The more ideas and energy we gather, the more support and strength we create.
Marge Mitchell
NESPA Co-President