The NSEA/NESPA Strike Training scheduled for Monday has been CANCELED since NSEA has reached a settlement. THANK YOU for everything you have done to help support both the NSEA and NESPA contract negotiations. We couldn’t have done this without you!
We are pleased to announce that we reached a Tentative Agreement at 12:50 pm today, Friday, August 22nd. THANK YOU TO ALL MEMBERS who attended the June 16th Membership Meeting at Inglemoor, the August 12th School Board meeting, and the August 20 Picket/Rally. Your support and participation made the difference!
The Northshore Education Association and the Northshore School District have reached a tentative agreement today on a new three year contract.
“We believe the tentative agreement is fair and appreciate the active support of our members and the community that led to this agreement,” said Tim Brittell, NSEA president.
The Association’s bargaining team will recommend the tentative agreement to NSEA’s Executive Board which will meet on Monday, August 25th.
There will be no picketing at the August 26th school board meeting.