Monday, February 2, 2015

NESPA Members Go to Capitol To Press for Compensation, Staffing, and Affordable Medical Benefits!

Left, rear:  Tara Auerbach (Inglemoor).  3rd from left, rear:  Andrea Dusenberry (Westhill), 2nd from left, front: Sharon Maynard (Bear Creek)

On Wednesday, Jan 29, three NESPA members went to Olympia and spoke to 10 Legislators about the need for additional funding to provided PROFESSIONAL COMPENSATION and adequate STAFFING LEVELS.   They showed the Legislators the recommendations of the State Committee that studied what school employees should be making (about $6 per hour more for NESPA members), and pressed for more funding for medical benefits.   (Medial benefit costs are rising because the State has not increased its funding for school employees since 2011.)

NESPA members Tara Auerbach, Andrea Dusenberry ,and Sharon Maynard  (see photo) joined Kraig Peck (WEA Staffperson for NESPA and NSEA) and two Paraeducators from the Shoreline Educational Support Professionals Assn (SESPA) in lobbying our Legislators.  Tell them thanks, and lobby your own legislators, by clicking on the link below.  You don’t have to know who your legislators are.   The website Our Voice Washington will tell you.   Check it out weekly, and join the fight for a better future for our students, children and grandchildren---and for each other!

Please  send a message to your LEGISLATORS and to the GOVERNOR about funding for compensation, staffing levels, and medical benefits.