Happy Fall
Welcome back everyone; it is time to start looking at surroundings with a new vision. There are changes in the air, you can really feel it and it is very exciting. We are both so glad for this opportunity to guide you through this year while focusing on some new changes that we ALL want to see happen. So for starters we would like to introduce you to our theme for the 2010-2011 year, which is S.E.L.F. As we do visits at the schools this year to get to know you and YOUR surroundings better we want to give you some tools to help you along your way.
We KNOW you have so much value and worth out there. You bring such richness to our district and we appreciate all you do and we want you to know that. This year we want to continue to give you tools to grow in each area that you touch with our students. We also want you to look beyond where you are at and stretch your “SELF” toward future goals.
The acronym S.E.L.F. pulls all that together.
S. stands for” support”
We want you to know you have support out there in the field, in your buildings and at the Uniserve Office. We want you to know where to find it and get at it quickly.
E. stands for “empowerment”
We want to give you tools that you need to accomplish your jobs and tasks for your day. We want you to feel confident with YOUR voices as YOU speak up for Your needs, hopes and desires
L. stands for Lifting up
We want you to know we care and we can find people to come along side you to work out the needs and difficulties out there. We want you to have hope and JOY in the opportunities that are given to you at your sites.
And F. that stands for Future
It is YOUR future we care about and together as we launch into this New Year we will find opportunities for you to grow and stretch to achieve a good future in your jobs.
Lastly but ever so importantly is that we want you to take care of YOUR “SELF”. We want you healthy and safe as you continue in your challenges through this year.
Together we CAN make a DIFFERENCE
Working for you
Your co-presidents Pat & Peggy
Contract 101
Yes we still have a contract that we are working under. Not a NEW one yet….this one is the 2008-2010 Agreement. If you DO NOT have one PLEASE let your Building Communicators know and we will get one out to you.
Stay tune for more tips from your contract.
WEA=Washington Educational Association
NEA=Northshore Educational Association-Teachers Union
NEOPA=Northshore Educational Office Professionals Association
Office Managers and Secretaries Union
NESPA=Northshore Educational Support Professionals Association